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eduroam Trial Agreement Request

eduroam Trial Agreement Request

By completing this form, and agreeing to the terms and conditions in the trial agreement, you can evaluate eduroam for up to 90 days. Please note that to sign this agreement and begin the evaluation you must be part of your institution’s IT staff *AND* have sufficient authority to modify your institution’s IT infrastructure to permit testing. The agreement is at

  • Must be an institutional email.
  • I acknowledge that I am responsible for providing, installing, operating, maintaining, and repairing the equipment and software necessary to connect my institution to eduroam. I acknowledge that I am a part of my institution’s IT staff and have sufficient authority to modify my institution’s IT infrastructure to permit testing.
  • I have read the Internet2 eduroam Evaluation Terms of Use and agree to be legally bound by these terms.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.